Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bleeding Blue

For as long as I can remember my family has been BYU fans. In schooling, atmosphere, sports, you name it. I seem to have taken this in-breed love of BYU and taken it to a WHOLE new level. I am obsessed with BYU! I am not ashamed to say it and will defend this place and everything associated with it to the death. I am very grateful that I have the opportunity to attend this fine institution.

One of my absolute favorite things about fall semester...BYU FOOTBALL! (for those who are friends with me on the fboo..this is obvious). I count down months, days and hours until the season starts every year. This year has been no different. The first game of our first year as an Independent team was against Ole Miss and it was a victory! I got to spend that weekend at home in St. George and brought a couple friends along.
My mom is so cute and had these chips ready on game day and my dad made ribs (like I said..BYU is a big deal in our household)

Then the next two weeks were against Texas and the school up north (utah). To be honest I wasn't extremely surprised about losing to Texas and it was only by one point so I was still pretty excited. The game was also way good..Ashley and I made tons of food and had a couple people over to watch the game.

Then the rivalry game was next. It was the first home game AND against Utah. Talk about excitement! I had my ticket printed out and ready the Monday before the game, all the statues on campus were covered in saran wrap to protect them from immature utes, and the streets were lined with flags. Seriously I'm sure everyone was so sick of me by the end of that week...it was all I talked about. Friday finally came and the atmosphere most certainly did not disappoint!
Ashley, Jamie and I had our eye-black on, BYU gear on and I was so ready to just cheer my little heart out. The first half of the game was great...the second half was torture...Utah ran us over..I literally was sick to my stomach after the game (If that doesn't say how much I love BYU and hate Utah I don't know what else does). But all the same for me it meant that the season had started, which was always great news! AND I AM NOT A FAIR-WEATHER FAN!! I will cheer for the Cougars till the day I die.

The past 3 games have all been home and we have won all of them! I can't wait to see what we do the rest of the season. I just love going to football games! They seriously make my week. Sadly there isn't one at home this week but I will be watching and cheering on my Cougs just the same.

Ashley and I at the UCF game
Jamie and I with Cosmo
At the Utah State Game

till next time

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't even know how I produced such a football lover. Even though I'm a BYU fan, football was always a side event for me. But I love that you love them. I love your enthusiasm for your school. It is one of the greatest places in the world to be and such a privilege. Your BYU spirit makes me happy.