Sunday, October 23, 2011


I have this strong desire to write a blog post right now...the thing is I have no idea what to write about. I guess I can start with the fact that I am a pro procrastinator (obviously). If one could major in procrastination...or facebook stalking...I would be graduated and making bank. It's the one thing I am consistently good at. I wish I had my roommates Ashley and Kelli's drive. They always get what they need to done. I honestly try at times but I swear I have ADD. There is not a moment when I can sit still and I can't stay focused for long amounts of time. It's really quite frustrating. Hopefully I can figure out a way to deal with it and soon because I just can't keep living my life like's stressful.

In other news, my mom is in town! She came up this week to go to a "craft convention" thingy with a couple ladies from the good ol' MO. Even though I have only seen her twice, I've really enjoyed having her up here. When she got here Wednesday night she took Jamie Ashley and I out to Happy Sumo...yum! She was so concerned that she wasn't going to be able to get into my apartment she almost went and got a hotel for the night. But luckily she was smarter than the lock. Thursday night I met up with her Kiera and Melissa for dessert at The Chocolate. Even though they all seemed like they were going to pass out from tiredness, it was fun seeing and chatting with them.

This past weekend, I went to St. George with Ashley and a couple of our guy friends Tyler, Sean, Jordan and Chris. We went hiking, shooting and watched football (BYU of course). It was a nice weekend out of Provo...cause those are really needed at times...and it was nice to catch up with these boys. I hadn't seen them since summer and they are some of the funnest people I have ever met. My parents recommended the hike we went on and it was one of the greatest things I have ever done. It's called Red Cliffs something and was fun, easy and exciting! We walked/swam through water, jumped off cliffs, slid down natural water slides and just laughed until we hurt. I will definitely be doing it again.
I'm actually a really good shot :)

till next time

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bleeding Blue

For as long as I can remember my family has been BYU fans. In schooling, atmosphere, sports, you name it. I seem to have taken this in-breed love of BYU and taken it to a WHOLE new level. I am obsessed with BYU! I am not ashamed to say it and will defend this place and everything associated with it to the death. I am very grateful that I have the opportunity to attend this fine institution.

One of my absolute favorite things about fall semester...BYU FOOTBALL! (for those who are friends with me on the fboo..this is obvious). I count down months, days and hours until the season starts every year. This year has been no different. The first game of our first year as an Independent team was against Ole Miss and it was a victory! I got to spend that weekend at home in St. George and brought a couple friends along.
My mom is so cute and had these chips ready on game day and my dad made ribs (like I said..BYU is a big deal in our household)

Then the next two weeks were against Texas and the school up north (utah). To be honest I wasn't extremely surprised about losing to Texas and it was only by one point so I was still pretty excited. The game was also way good..Ashley and I made tons of food and had a couple people over to watch the game.

Then the rivalry game was next. It was the first home game AND against Utah. Talk about excitement! I had my ticket printed out and ready the Monday before the game, all the statues on campus were covered in saran wrap to protect them from immature utes, and the streets were lined with flags. Seriously I'm sure everyone was so sick of me by the end of that was all I talked about. Friday finally came and the atmosphere most certainly did not disappoint!
Ashley, Jamie and I had our eye-black on, BYU gear on and I was so ready to just cheer my little heart out. The first half of the game was great...the second half was torture...Utah ran us over..I literally was sick to my stomach after the game (If that doesn't say how much I love BYU and hate Utah I don't know what else does). But all the same for me it meant that the season had started, which was always great news! AND I AM NOT A FAIR-WEATHER FAN!! I will cheer for the Cougars till the day I die.

The past 3 games have all been home and we have won all of them! I can't wait to see what we do the rest of the season. I just love going to football games! They seriously make my week. Sadly there isn't one at home this week but I will be watching and cheering on my Cougs just the same.

Ashley and I at the UCF game
Jamie and I with Cosmo
At the Utah State Game

till next time

Friday, October 7, 2011

Mother Nature hates me.

I woke up Thursday morning to the sound of pouring rain most people this would be a soothing comforting sound. But not to me. No this sounds makes me want to hide under my covers until the sun comes out. And it only got worse. A gray fog decided to completely hide the mountains and when it left it showed my worst nightmare....SNOW!

Again, to a lot of people this is an exciting thing..but I HATE SNOW. I hate being cold. It's uncomfortable, painful, annoying, depressing, aggravating, I could go on for days and days. I just absolutely hate everything about the cold, and winter and snow go hand in hand with this feeling. So, as you can see, when they fog lifted and I saw snow...instant depression. I swear I suffer from Seasonal Depression and the fact that it is the beginning of October and snowing?! yeah not okay. Hopefully this weather turns itself around real quick otherwise this girl is going to be sad for many many months.

Just think Happy Thoughts...
much better!!!

On a brighter note. The fam is coming up this weekend! Without Hunter and not to see me, but beggers can't be choosers. I'm just excited to hopefully see them! It's funny how things change in your life...when I first came out to school I could have cared less if I was going to see them or not, to be quite honest. And now, I talk to my mom every single day on the phone, I'm constantly thinking about when the next time I'll be able to head down to St. George is. I just love my family. There are seriously the best and I know that I would not be where I am today without them.

Mini Update:
Got my hairs did today, nothing huge but it's amazing how the smallest things can make you feel so much better.
I had a girls night with the roomies tonight. It consisted of: going to spin class (yes we work out together for our girls night), making 16 grain waffles, and watching Definitely Maybe. All in all a very successful girls night I must say.

Though I did just spend a whole post whining about the weather, I am very grateful for the opportunity I have to be in this amazing place. Everything about it has saved my life and I am eternally grateful.

till next time

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Two years later...

WOW! I really suck at this...

My wonderful Mom helped me create a blog when I first came out to school in 09 and after one introductory post I obviously never got back on. Even though I literally read her blog religiously every single day. LAME.

I'm just a horrible writer to begin with. I don't keep a consistent journal, I have a hard time writing friends who are on missions. Writing and I just don't mesh well. But like I said, I check my mom's blog every freaking day and lately I have noticed a lot of my friends posting that they have updated their blogs...and I've decided that I am going to start updating mine and be better about recording my life. I mean hey if you've gotta do it might as well do it with a blog.

After trying to figure out how to proceed, I've decided to just pick up with what is going on right now and post occasional "blast from the past" moments over the last two years to get up to speed. So let's begin...

I'm currently at BYU (one of my favorite places in the world) and just declared my major...HUZZAH! I'll be studying sociology...which I am way excited about to be perfectly honest. After two years of just taking generals trying to figure out what the heck I wanted to do with my life, a simple current social problems class gave me the answer. It's crazy how that can happen.

I also just found out on Monday that I got accepted into the study abroad program that I applied to...I AM GOING TO SPAIN! No I don't speak Spanish so it's going to be one heck of an adventure. I am going to be gone next winter semester! I'm not sure on dates yet but I am so excited.....and nervous........and scared........and stressed........and EXCITED! It is definitely going to be the experience of a lifetime. I'll update more on it as I get information but right now really all I know is that I'm going.

In the mean time...brushing up on my second level high school Spanish might be a good idea.

till next time