Monday, January 30, 2012

just another week in paradise!

Monday: I'm not entirely sure if I remember what went on this past Monday. It seems like such a long time ago! Monday's are usually pretty boring because we don't have enough time to go anywhere before our Religion class in the afternoon. We did plan on going into Madrid with Jenna and Lindsay on Tuesday, and I was suppose to help plan for our after program travel trip right after class.

Tuesday: After class I met up with "The Fellowship" and we started talking about where we want to stay, how we would get there, all those sorts of important details. Well Lindsay and Jenna needed to leave because Lindsay needed to visit the U.S Embassy to get her visa for Bulgaria (where she is serving her mission starting in April). Because she is leaving two weeks after she gets home from Spain she has to figure all of that out here.

Anyways, they left and told us to met them at the train station at 1230...I made us run late because of the planning and we didn't get there till 110. They were already gone at that point so we decided to go into Madrid and try to find them. We knew the general area they would be in and figured it should be that difficult to find the Embassy.

As we sat down on the train a girl sat down near us and, after hearing us talk for a minute, asked if we were American. This is a common occurrence, but her accent was not Spanish. Her name was Sophie and she was a native born Australian whose parents live in Alcala and who had also just returned from a semester in France. Yes, this 18 year old is a tri-lingual high school student...I fail at life. We talked to her the whole way to Atocha and she even shared some Madrid travel secrets with us. Like how to avoid taking the metro at times, and what places to stay away from and what places to visit. After saying goodbye to her we went on our ways towards where we thought the Embassy would be. It was a beautiful day, so we really didn't mind that we were wandering the streets and that no one knew where the Embassy was. After a while we gave up on trying to find the girls and went to SOL. I had been told by multiple people that San Gines was the best place to have Chocolate con Churros. So we went forth to find, and find we did. Seriously. No place will ever beat San Gines!! It was amazing! Then, being the fatties that we are, we went straight to Freddo Freddo, the Gelato Shop. Why yes, the same gelato shop that we visited before. This time the owner was way nice! She talked to us for a long time and told us all about her plans for her shop and what flavors she had, etc. And what makes it even better? She totally remembered who we were! Not our names of course, but she recognized us and even remembered what I had gotten the last time I was there. We've decided that we will be regulars there.

After that we headed on back to Alcala where we decided we needed to visit the supermarket. So off to Carrefour we went! Carrefour is the equivalent of Walmart. Maybe that's why we like it so gives you the tiniest feeling of being home...even though none of the food is the same...and it's all in Spanish. Anyways, guess who we ran into while we were there? Yep, Lindsay and Jenna. The same Lindsay and Jenna we had spent half the day looking for! It was meant to be :) We got what we needed then went and got our favorite candy from our favorite candy shop THEN headed on home. It was honestly just a wonderful, warm, relaxing, adventurous day.

Wednesday: So Chelsey and I have decided that Wednesdays are our designated chill days. Every Wednesday since we've been here we've stayed at home and taken siestas or done homework. This wed. was no different. We even skipped out on playing soccer with people from church. BUT i got all my homework done! so boo yah!

Thursday: This was a marathon day for sure. Lindsay wasn't able to get her visa situation figured out on Tuesday because they weren't open for that sort of thing at the time she went. In order for her to be able to go during the time it was open she would have to miss class. Here it's not that big of a deal since everything is so chill. She didn't want to go alone and asked me to join her, since I can get around better than most others. So that morning I left home and went straight to the train station. We got to the Embassy and inside with no problems. Then the waiting began. It was really only about and hour and a half total, and it honestly went by pretty quickly. But no one could help poor Lindsay. She explained what she needed and why so many times and no one seemed to understand what they were suppose to do. It was so frustrating! I felt so bad, but I just kept telling myself and her that she is going on a mission...the Lord will make it so that things work out, especially since she is trying so hard and is doing what He is asking of her. After that failure of a trip we called the girls and told them to meet us in SOL. We got there a bit earlier than them, so we went to McDonalds and started watching Moulin Rouge on her iPod. I LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT MOVIE!! and luckily so does Lindsay! We literally sang Moulin Rouge songs the rest of the day.

Anyways, once the girls got there we headed to San Gines to cheer Lindsay up and show the other girls just how good it was. They agree. It's the best. Then, since we had told them how awesome the gelato shop had been on Tuesday...we went back to Freddo Freddo! This time she recognized us for sure, especially since I busted in there saying "We're back!". We learned that her name is Janice and we very saddened to hear that she would be leaving till March!! Chelsey and I were actually very distraught when she told us. We were so excited to be regulars to a place and know the owner and now she is leaving us...but don't worry. That just means we will be eating a lot of gelato in March before we leave.

We then went to find this old Egyptian Temple that is somewhere in Madrid, but instead ended up finding a cool little market thingy and a park. Even though it wasn't what we had been looking for, it was still very fun. We got to witness a couple pretty much do the dirty, right next to an old couple. Jenna and I played "James Bond" stalking the other girls in a maze of shubbery. We watched people break dance. And we sang Moulin Rouge at the top of our lungs. Just another day in Paradise. On the way home we stopped at Carrefour again to get some snacks for our first weekend trip. I also made Chels go into Ella Fashion with me to buy a coat since we were told it was going to be chilly....soooo glad that I did.

Friday: Friday we woke up way early and headed on our way toward Avila. We had been told that it was a higher elevation and that it would be colder, but I kinda shoved it aside thinking that I would be fine. When we got there it was freezing! At that point there wasn't any precipitation falling but it was muggy and cloudy and just down right cold. Thank goodness I bought that coat. After about half an hour of being there it started snowing, and all I had on my feet were my Sperrys. Yep that's it. Luckily I have awesome friends! Lindsay had tights and socks on...she took off her socks and offered them to me! I may have looked retarded but hey they matched! and my feet were 10 times more warm then they had been.

After our tour was over in Avila we headed toward Salamanca. We checked into our hotel, which was a lot nicer than I expected and right away started our next tour. We visited the cathedral and the University of Salamanca. I'll probably transfer there, just saying. Salamanca is beautiful and is totally a college town. Provo's got nothing on Salamanca. Our little group was pretty tired so after our tour we grabbed some food, and coke and ice, and went back to the hotel. Chelsey and I somehow ended up with this ginormous room so we had a little dance/eating/hanging out fiesta in our room! It was really fun actually spending time with the girls kinda dorm style. That's the one bad thing about this program, we all live so far away and in most our houses people aren't allowed to come hang out. It was really nice just being down the hall from everyone. We went to bed around 230 or 3 that morning. It was well worth it. OH AND we got to take nice, long, break free showers! I don't think i've ever mentioned this but our showers at home are, in the words of Chelsey, "3 squirts long". You rinse, turn off, add shampoo and body wash, rinse, turn off, add conditioner and shave, rinse and you're done. So being able to just stand in the shower was like heaven for us.

Saturday: We woke up in Salamanca (not like I can say that everyday) and headed home. We stopped in Toro and Tordesillas on the way. Luckily the weather was way nicer than it was on Friday. No snow, just sun. Toro was beautiful! The Spanish seriously know how to build there cities, on top of beautiful cliffs and mountain sides. We got off the bus and Jacqui asked me if I could get us to the cathedral..I couldn't since we didn't have a map but I did get us back to the bus.

We then stopped in Tordesillas. This time with a map Jacqui asked me to lead us to the convent. I successfully got us there without any problem! The convent was beautiful and very interesting. Afterward we were given time to wander around as usual so I led everyone back to the main square. When we got there, there was a four person band of old people dressed in blue. They were playing music for this elderly group of people, a couple of them were dancing. We all joined about 20 feet away to watch and enjoy and...well of course I had to start dancing. I mean come on, you can't just play music around me and expect me to just sit there. Once I started dancing an elderly man in the group called for me to join naturally I did. It will probably go down as one of the highlights of my study abroad experience. After I joined most of the other girls joined as well and for the next 15 minutes we danced and laughed and took pictures with these complete strangers. It was absolutely wonderful. After that we came the rest of the way home.

You'll be happy to hear that Oscar really missed us! I feel bad cause every time he talks to us it seems he gets in trouble...I think Ana Maria thinks he bothers us but he is just too cute to bother anyone.

Sunday: Sunday was just a normal day here in Alcala. The only thing really worth talking about was the fact that our after program travel group "The Fellowship" booked our Paris hotel! We now have everything planned and booked till we get to London.

Monday: Today was suppose to be a very chill day and turned out to be very full. Chels and I were planning on going to a market after class...this market is pretty much the equivalent of D.I. She ended up going by herself. I helped Hilary go to Madrid and visit the doctor. Let me explain. Hilary hasn't been feeling very well and we've already had a couple girls who have been sick enough to visit the doctor so our directors had her make an appointment. I originally wasn't suppose to go with her but the Jenna Miller (her roomie) fainted right before they were suppose to leave. That's when Hil asked me to I mentioned earlier I've become known as the navigator. After that I came home and headed to our Religion class. Chels and I then went to Carrefour and got ourselves stalked up on food for this week. (it's not all junk don't worry).

We are leaving tomorrow morning at 8 am to go to Andalucia, which is the southern region of Spain. We won't be getting back till Saturday evening. It's going to be a long trip and honestly packing for it has been a bit annoying but it is going to be very exciting and hopefully warmer than this past weekend.

I know that I am forgetting things BUT that's all I have for now.

till next time

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Marathon Post

Woah it's been awhile since I last wrote...I've got a lot to say so prepare yourself for what I like to call a marathon post.
So we started classes on Monday. It's been great not having school but i'll be honest it's been nice to have a set schedule now. It's only been three days but I already feel like i've learned so much. My Spanish classes have been frustrating at time, I won't lie. But that's the beauty of living in Spain...I don't just go to class and then never speak Spanish again.

Our religion class started on Monday night as well. The class is about the History of the Church in Spain. Yeah I know, it's wonderful. Brother Lopez spent the first class talking about writing in journals, writing your own history because you are important. And can I just say, I think that this is going to be the best religion class I have ever taken. I felt the Spirit so strongly in that hour and i'm so grateful that he spoke in english because I wouldn't have gotten nearly as much out of it.

Tuesdays we just have our Spanish classes so we get done by noon and a couple of girls (Chelsey, Lindsay, Jenna S, Jenna M, Hilary) decided to go into Madrid. We have a Madrid Walks class where we were given 6 different walks in Madrid that we have to complete before the semester ends..with no write ups..just do it. Probably the hardest class I have ever taken. I mean gosh get credit for sightseeing in Madrid? It's absolutely horrifying! We decided to choose the walk that included going pass the Prado and the Parque del pretty much the same thing Chelsey and I did last Saturday. But that was totally fine because we love that park!! We were soo excited to show it to the girls and it was a very fun day. I have become known amongst us as the human GPS ha I just remember where I've been and can navigate a map...guess having a dad who has been scoutmaster/young mens/camping/hunting my whole life has paid off. Everyone is good at something right? I'm good at navigating.

Wednesday was very chill. Chelsey wasn't feeling very well so after school we just headed back home and hung out. Chels napped and I did homework. It was nice, I mean at that point I had only been here a little over a week, it's not like we have to be doing something all day everyday.

Thursday is another one of our short days. So again Chelsey, Lindsay Jenna S and I went back into Madrid. This time to the Puerta de Sol (the same place we went our very first time into Madrid). We wandered around, got some gelato (not as good as in Italy, but still wonderful) and planned things we want to do before this trip is over...and some afterwards ha. Honestly it was a great day. The weather has been awesome pretty much the whole time we've been here! Except for a couple rainy cold days it's been nothing but sunny, and Thursday was no different. It was fun being in a beautiful city with the friends I have made so far on this program. It was a great reminder of a pro of coming. Not that I've been regretting coming at all, mostly just being frustrated with Spanish has gotten me down..oh and the fact that I'm getting larger. But I can't let those things distract from the fact that I'm in Spain!! I mean i'm never going to have this opportunity again and most people will NEVER get this suck it up Chloe.

Anyways, off my soap box. Friday was our first "trip" while here. We went to Toledo!! It is probably the most beautiful place I have ever been in my entire life. Not exaggerating. This city is so full of history, beauty, life, everything! We saw a house there worth 10 million American dollars. When I'm rich one day (yes I said when) I will be living there....okay maybe not that house, but I'm going to have some sort of house/apartment there. Sadly we only got to spend one day there so we headed back Friday afternoon, but I'm pretty sure Ana Maria told us today she is going to take us back since we didn't see some the important things there (unless I misunderstood, which is honestly about 98% possible) I would love to go back, it's seriously a breathtaking city.

Yesterday was also an amazing day! Chels and I got to sleep in, which was nice. When we were eating breakfast Ana Maria asked what we were doing today and we told her we didn't really have any plans, just that we wanted to run, you know, get some exercise. Well she then proceeded to tell us about the Parque Europa. She told us there was a zipline there and all sorts of things. I took it as oh you should go to this place sometime. When we said that sounded like fun and that we would like to go she said get dressed and we will go right now. Right now?! yep right now. So we got ready and headed out. I cannot tell you how excited I was, not necessarily to be going to this specific park (even though it sounded awesome) but more about the fact that Ana Maria invited us someplace with her and Oscar! She doesn't hate us!!! I was so so so excited! So we get to this park and it's just adorable! It has all the "touristy famous" places in Europe miniaturized and packed into one park for you to visit. It was so fun! We got to ride trains and cars with Oscar and Chels and I went on the zipline. Don't judge, it was very fun! Then we went and got some kebabs. I don't even know how to describe what these are...some sort of sandwich, taco, burrito thing. all mashed into one. It was yummy. Ana Maria then took us to yet another park! I don't know exactly if I'm saying this right but it was the Parque de la Nacionales....or something of that sort. We ate our food and then we rented bikes from the park in Madrid and went on an hour long bike ride around this park...and didn't even hit it all. (P.S. the renting of the bikes...FREE! yeah I know, I love Spain) It was all Ana Maria's idea and she kept saying something about how riding the bike was exercise...I guess she wanted us to feel good about hanging with them rather than me Ana Maria, I would rather go to a park with you and Oscar than go running any day. This park was so beautiful. Chelsey and I didn't know what to do with ourselves. Ana Maria was on a mission while we were riding bikes so we didn't really get to stop and look around much. We have decided that we will be going back. It was such an amazing day!

Today we had church again. I still can't understand, though I think i'm getting a little bit better? It's just hard for me now cause they talk so dang fast. If everyone would just slow down to Chloe's level everything would be perfect. Chels and I have spent the rest of the day completing homework and catching up with people via skype. I even got to see my most favorite person in the universe! If you don't know who this is then shame on you....
Soren was just as happy and smiley as ever.

I can't believe that I have only been here two weeks. It feels like I have been here forever! Not that this is a bad thing, but it's crazy to think about how much I have done and I still have ten more weeks left in my program...I worry sometimes that I will run out of things to do...but then again, I'm not in Provo anymore.

I'm sorry but I'm not going to add any pictures to this post...It's already way long and like i've said before it's way to much of a hassle for me at this moment...Lo siento everybody.

till next time

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ridin' Solo

So todays ends my first weekend in Alcala. and let me just say that I feel like I have been here for weeks. no joke. Every single day just seems to go on and on. Which is good, don't get me wrong, but at the same time it's overwhelming to remember just how much more I have to do.

As I mentioned before, for our Spanish Art class we were given an assignment to go to the Prado and find these ten specific pieces of art. Well Monday thru Saturday the museum is open from 6-8pm for free! it's very nice. So after facebooking girls in the group, Chelsey and I just decided to go to Madrid on our own and just make a day out of is. Ana Maria told us that while we were by the Prado that we HAD to go to the Parque del Retiro. We slept in a bit, had lunch in Alcala, played with Oscar, then went on our way to Madrid just to two of was actually really nice not having a huge group going together.

Anyways, we found the park and walked around for 3 hours. It's basically the equivalent of Central Park in other words it's WONDERFUL! We absolutely loved it! The weather was perfect and we just wandered around the park basking in the glory that is Madrid. There is a mini lake/pond thingy in the center of the park where you can row around in the water. We didn't do that this time but we are definitely getting a couple more girls and doing it before we leave.

Things to remember from our first park trip
-there were freaking cats everywhere! I kid you not it was ridiculous.
-I'm starting to not be worried about Chels and I getting snuck up on. We are both very aware of what is going on around us and react to pretty much anything suspicious. A couple times while on the way to/at the park, one or both of us would notice some creepy person and get somewhere "safer" quickly.
-we are tired of our picture poses. I expect that we will come up with new inventive ones just to change things up a bit.

We then found a couple girls from our program in the line to get into the Prado. Once we were in we split up, so that we wouldn't be in a huge group, and went on a hunt to find the pieces. It was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. It's amazing to see pieces of art that I have heard about or studied in real life! like that painting is right there in front of you. You can just reach out and touch it...but we don't of course cause that could be bad. It's only open for free for two hours and we used an hour and a half finding and analyzing our paintings...2 hours is just not enough time to spend there! We will for sure be going back.

Today we had Church. Like most everything else, it is on the other side of the city. Also like everything else, it's in Spanish. Luckily, Lindsay sat next to me in Relief Society and explained what we were talking about. Once I figured that out it was easier for me to try and follow along. They do Relief Society first here, then Sunday School and then Sacrament. It was freezing today! And to top it off the heater broke in the church building. They cancelled the talks in Sacrament so that everyone could go home early and "not get sick".

Tonight we are having a group party thing at the Larson's place. It will be nice to just chill with the girls in a closed environment with nothing else to distract us. We just had dinner and it was a feast! Ana Maria had her friends Mercedes and Freddy over with their son Alex. They are so funny and we were laughing the entire time. And the best thing, I could figure out what they were saying! I'm learning so much! :)

Tomorrow we start our other classes! So excited and ready for my Spanish class to start. Let's get this language thing going already! This next week we have our first Temple trip and a day trip to Toledo. Should be exciting!

Other things to note:
-my friend Clark works in the MTC and asked me (through FB) if I had a little brother in the I don't...CAUSE IT'S SPENCER!!!! I cannot even begin to describe my joy when he told me he was going to be sitting in class. Spencer is on a freaking mission!! Hooray! I'm way sad that I didn't get to see him before he left, but I will write him and I'll see him when he gets home so it's all good.
-I love Flan. That's all.
-Chelsey and I are getting along perfectly! It's a marvelous match.
till next time

Friday, January 13, 2012

And so it begins..

Today classes started. Well just our art class but the rest start on Monday. We had class at 1130 today and that was all we had planned. Chelsey and I stayed up pretty late last night. It's my fault, I just can't sleep. Sadly, she is the one person here to entertain me. We are pretty much hilarious, no biggie. I seriously could not have been roomed with a more perfect person for me. Thank freaking goodness we ran into each other outside of Spain prep class.

Anyways, I think our art class is going to be awesome. It's fun learning about a piece of art that you are actually going to see. Our first assignment? Go the the Prado Museum in Madrid, find the 10 pieces of art on our list and do a write up...pretty legit if you ask me.

After class, a couple of us met to plan our travel week trip. We are going to Lisbon! and let me tell you, it's going to be the best trip ever! I seriously cannot wait! We sat in McDonalds and planned it out...why is it that in every other country McDonalds is a nice place? Anyways, as soon as we got done planning that, 14 of the other girls came in and planned their travel week trip...yeah we invaded the Alcala McDonalds. It happens. Funny story: I got a Coke in McDonalds (way better here than in America) and was sharing it with Chels and she got mad at me for biting my straw! it's my straw girl, deal with it! We got a good laugh out of that...though we laugh at pretty anything the other person maybe we aren't that funny. ha
We then went to a candy store and got a couple little things just to try them out. We may or may not have eaten the whole bag within twenty minutes.

After all that we took a bus to find out where church is and then headed home. We are kinda lame not to go out and do something on a Friday night. But we just don't know what's going on around here! and we are heading into Madrid tomorrow so we just decided to come home. Ana Maria made us dinner. I feel like i'm starting to understand her better. I learn the most while talking to her at dinner. She is way understanding and helpful! Tonight we talked about learning Spanish and she spent an hour just talking to us slowly teaching us things! Chels and I love it. I'm not being unrealistic and saying that i'll be fluent by the time I leave, but I do think that i'll be able to actually understand and communicate. I'm just so ready for my Spanish class to start on Monday so I can start learning more!

I know I already talked about this. But Ana Maria makes us soooo much food! I'm starting to get worried about it. And i'm way to scared to go outside and go running. I made this promise to myself that I would workout while here but I seriously live in the ghetto. There is literally a "group" of men outside my window this very second yelling. HECK NO am I going running out there....Oh there they go again. I can't look out the window cause then they'll see me and break into our house and kill me. No that is not "racist". They aren't mexicans. OOOOHHHHH I kid I kid! :) It's a Kanenwisher thing. Deal.

Well I finally uploaded pictures. I'll post a couple on here, just for you Mom.

This is our bedroom. I like it a lot.
Chelsey and I our first day out together :)
Visiting Madrid.
In Alcala. My favorite picture so far!

As a side note. Oscar informed me tonight that he has a girlfriend at school. I'm actually quite sad about it. But he did give me a kiss goodnight so I win. Take that 5 year old nina. You got nothing on me.

till next time

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hace Frio!

So today was a crazy one, to say the least. We were told to be at the train station at 10 am sharp so that we could head into Madrid. So Chelsey and I decided to wake up at 850. Then we could get on the bus at 930 so that we wouldn't have to walk to the complete other side of the city. We got up on time and Ana Maria made us breakfast (toast and hot chocolate...sooo good) well we were running out the door so we wouldn't miss the bus and she yells at us Hace Frio!!! she yelled at us to get scarves and gloves. We could not stop laughing it was just so funny! so we grabbed my scarves and ran out the door. We barely made the bus...but then it sat there for what seemed like forever...even though it was only four minutes. Chels and I were freaking out that we wouldn't make it to the train station by ten...the Lord must have been teaching us patience or something ha. We ended walking up to our group right on time :)

We then took the train to Madrid. It's about a thirty minute ride in. We met up with our travel agent Antonio. He's a bit older but way friendly and funny. He showed us around the train station and then showed us where the metro was. We then jumped on the metro and finally made it to Puerto de Sol. The center of Madrid. Seriously, America is just so boring when it comes to architecture and history! okay okay yes there are cool things about our history and New York has some cool buildings....but really, once you've been to Spain or Italy, everything else just seems BLAH! Antonio gave us a little tour of a teeny part of the city..there is so much that we didn't even touch on. We saw the Plaza de Mayor and the Cathedral of Spain and more places like that. It indeed chilly as Ana Maria said it would be. Chels and I ended up being way grateful that we had our scarves ha.

We then walked around a bit with Jenna and Lindsay. It was fun wandering the streets just the four of us. We got some chocolate covered/filled churros and just enjoyed the rest of the afternoon in Madrid. We then headed back to Alacala and shopped a little in the Plaza de Cervantes. Chelsey and I are, of course, pros at the bus system now so when it got dark we headed on back home. Ana Maria made us dinner, some sort of spanish version of chicken noodle least that's how it looked and tasted...sooo yummy. Then the potato tostada thing we've had twice now...soo good and some sort of meet and tomatos. It was all fantastic. She then asked if we wanted Flan...I was way excited but Chelsey had never had any! Crazy I know. Well she brought it out...oh my gosh the best thing I have ever tasted! and what makes it better? she said it's a very very common thing and that we can probably have it everyday!!! yep i'm getting fat for sure. and that was the day. Pretty full and fun I must say.

The Spanish is about the same. To be honest it's the one thing keeping me from completely just letting loose. I'm just so frustrated about it all the time. Someone please remind me why I chose to come to place where I don't speak the language?! Goodness.

Couple things I forgot to mention from yesterday.

I never wear matching socks. I just don't see the point. Well last night Oscar noticed my socks and just started pointing to my feet and going on and on about how they were different ha. He did not understand why I would do such a thing...I guess most people don't. But it's funnier coming from a 5 year old spanish child hahah

I bought a bag! yep Chloe is using a bag and not just holding everything in her hand everywhere she goes. Jamie, you would be so dang proud :)

Also, Ana Maria forces us to watch TV! She asks us all the time if we want to and finally, while we were watching Oscar play his video games, made him stop and made us sit there and watch game shows and the news hahah. it's just so funny the way she talks to us. I just adore her!

I know i'm forgetting so many things so my posts are going to be completely random from now on.

till next time

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

No Habla Espanol?

So today was my second day here in Alcala and can I just say that this city is absolutely beautiful!! I promise to post pictures soon but i'm just to lazy to do it everyday....and to be honest it's kinda difficult adding pictures to this blog. There are storks everywhere! They have huge nests on top of buildings and they just chill out. it's crazy cool. A little group of us already got kissy noises made at us today. we were told this would happen...and of course i just gave them a dirty look and kept walking (i trust no one here). One of girls in my group started laughing and said dang you're way good at that. HA! i'm not sure if that's a good thing but i'm taking it as a compliment :)

Anyways, we didn't have to meet with out group till 3 so Chelsey and I slept...for 14 hours. No joke. Anyone who knows me knows how amazing that is for's a freaking miracle! Our host mom came in at 1 saying Arriba! we almost died laughing. We then left on our journey to find the place where we were suppose to meet our group and didn't get lost :) that's one thing I am good at. Already I can find my way around Alcala...i'm pretty proud of it. We then took a tour of Alcala....the whole thing was in Spanish...didn't understand a word. I'm completely overwhelmed by the fact that I can't understand a word anyone is saying and that I can't communicate. I asked our leader today why they ever let me come. So hopefully it will get better.

Ana Maria (our host mom) is way nice. I'm pretty sure she hates me cause i can't talk to her or anything, but she has been way helpful. I was trying to tell her i loved sports...i told her i love her...yep that happened. Again, thank goodness for Chelsey. She makes us these HUGE meals! I seriously would be completely content eating only lunch everyday because she gives us enough for 3 meals. It's all been way good though. Today we have this creamy, almost egg drop like soup, in the biggest bowl ever...Then this like waffle bread thing with chicken...sooo good but soooo big! and then yogurt. That was just lunch. For dinner she made us hamburgers and fries ahah with green olives. oh and we have an orange with every meal. i've been told they find it offensive if you don't eat i eat all of it! and i feel like i'm going to barf after every meal. Again, anyone that knows me knows that i rarely finish meals...even if i love what i'm eating! it's going to be interesting.

Oscar (the 5 year old grandson) loves me! He told Ana Maria today that he wanted me to be his girlfriend :) so naturally, when he asked if I had a boyfriend, I answered No and he asked me to be his girlfriend! hahah so i'm officially off the market and only after my first day :) he's just the most adorable child in the world.

Tomorrow we get to go into Madrid! I'm very excited! Pictures to come!

till next time

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Like a fish outta water.

Well I am officially in Spain! It only took 20 hours...longest day ever. Seriously, I feel like I've been gone for weeks already. It's kinda insane. Getting ready to leave was a lot harder than I thought it would be. For this past week I have been sick to my stomach everyday and just absolutely scared out of my mind. If my mom hadn't come up to Provo on Friday and stayed with me for the weekend, I honestly might not have ever made it here. She pretty much did everything for me and I am just so completely grateful for her!

Jamie and Ashley thru me a surprise going away party on Thursday! It was the sweetest thing...I have the best friends anyone could ask for. Everyone else should be extremely jealous. It was so heart-warming to see so many friends come and say goodbye. I know I'm only gone for 3 months...but right now that seems like the longest time. Hence the reason I spent my last five days in Provo attached to the hip of my friends. I miss everyone already, but I'm so glad to finally be here.

The drivers here?...yeah CRAZY! Mom, if you thought Grandma and I were bad about yelling at people there, be glad we aren't driving around here. But Alcala is absolutely beautiful! My host moms name is Ana Maria and she is so so sweet. Chelsey (my roommate) and I just adore her and her grandson Oscar :) Here comes the best part...the speak no english. none. at all. I am dying...I can't understand them and they can't understand me....Why did I choose to come here again?! Oscar asked for my help tonight and as I was helping him and trying to talk he goes "What? I don't speak English." (in Spanish, of course.) Talk about embarrassing. Hopefully it will get easier but I'm just grateful for Chelsey right now haha.

I'll post pictures soon. Love you all!

~till next time