Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I've lost my wisdom

What purpose do wisdom teeth serve?! They don't do anything...just sit there. Sprouting from the gums, causing pain and strife. Someone please tell me why you have to go through the process of pain to relieve pain? And speaking of pain, why is getting your teeth pulled so painful in the first place? Also, why do drugs have to be so dang complicated? All I want is to get rid of the pain you have caused just give me something that will make that go away and not make me feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. And another thing, give me something that will make the holes in my mouth heal faster so that I can enjoy the great food that I have been blessed to be surrounded by.

Welp, it finally happened. After about of year of feeling like I've been teething, I finally got my wisdom teeth removed.  My wisdom is officially gone. Blast. I was suppose to get them out last December, right before I went to Spain...but I decided I wanted to spend New Years in California with Miss Jamie Pickett...she's my bas fran. Obviously, I do not regret that decision at all since I had a wonderful time with her and the Pickett family.  But it was time to get those bad boys out of my mouth.

To be honest, I had been freaking out about it. Everyone has such different experiences, and I was convinced that mine would end up being a sort of teeth horror story. Luckily, I have the greatest family and friends in the world so it wasn't that bad.  I don't remember Friday, Saturday is a blur and Sunday was painful. Bridger stayed with me literally the entire time. She changed my gauze, took embarrassing pictures of me, gave me pills. You name it, she did it. The little sweetheart. Seriously, I am so lucky to have a sister who is willing to give up her entire weekend to just hang out with a drugged up version of myself. We watched so many least 7 a day...yes...a day. What makes that even better? I never stayed awake for a whole movie. I just liked having something playing in the background.

Really, all I want now is pizza...I've been craving it all weekend. That, honestly, might be the hardest part of getting your teeth now have four freaking holes in your mouth and you can't eat real food. Kinda depressing.  Especially when your sister has come back to Provo to stay with you for the week and wants to go eat at all these fun places. Of course, I won't turn her down. I mean have you seen that face! But now I have to sit and watch whilst she eats wonderful food. Quite the bummer. We did go to Lagoon yesterday with Jamie and Ashley. Which was very fun, but also very tiring...and I'm still not 100% yet so it was rough at times. But Bridger wanted to we went. I'm pretty excited about her being here. Just sayin. 

Anyways, thank you to my mom, grandma, sisters and friends! I could not have made it through this weekend without any of you and I am extremely blessed to have you all in my life. 

~till next time

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just saw this post. Kinda funny. Now you're eating regular right? :)
When are you going to post again?