Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Good Day

So pretty much every single day is a good day. But some days are just better than others. This past weekend I had one of those days. Chelsey and I had been seeing signs all around Alcala for the Circus. Now my mom says that I have been to one...but I don't recall this so in my mind I've never been, and neither had Chels. So we had thought about maybe twice during the week, but then we went to Barcelona so of course the Circus was the last thing on my mind. Wouldn't ya know it though, as we are driving through Alcala to get home, we discovered that the Circus is maybe 100 yards from our house...Done and Done.We told Ana Maria we wanted to go and she was so excited for us. She had gone with Oscar earlier in the week and had nothing but good things to say about it. We timed it perfectly. The Circus started at 5pm. Chelsey and I were like giddy little children, no joke. Neither of us could stop smiling and we just found joy in every single thing that happened. It was so much fun.

The Circus ended at 7pm and at 730pm we met up with Lindsay and headed to Madrid for the event we had been waiting on for weeks now. FC BARCELONA GAME! You heard right my friends! I went to a freaking Barca game! I saw Iniesta, Puyol, Fabregas, Pique, Xavi and most importantly MESSI!!! IN FREAKING PERSON! Lionel Messi. The best soccer player in the entire world. And I was in his presence. I could have died right then and there and been perfectly happy. Oh that's right I almost did. FC Barca was playing Atletico Madrid. Now if anyone knows anything about European Soccer, you know that the fans are loyal to the death. Madrid fans do not and will never cheer for Barca and vica versa. So needless to say, a home game for Atletico Madrid was not the best place to wear my new Messi jersey.

For those who know me, you know that I am not someone who is scared to walk into rival territory supporting my team. I'm a loyal fan and not a sport idiot so I can defend myself. But when you're not in the states, and you don't understand the language very well, fear is inevitable. I kept my hoodie zipped all the way up for the entire game. I also didn't cheer when Barca had anything great happen....like scoring. Again if you know me, it was extremely difficult to just keep quiet. But hey I got to watch freaking Messi. Nothing was gonna bring me down. It was a good game and it went by way to fast if you ask me. Barca won 2 to 1. (side note: the attractive spanish man next to me kissed me on the head when Atletico scored. just wonderful)

We then took the long trip home, since the trains stop running we had to take the metro to the bus station and bus then taxi back home. It was all worth it. I had so much fun with Chelsey and Lindsay. In two weeks most of our group is going to a REAL Madrid game! Kaka and Ronaldo for those who don't know that awesomeness of this game as well. And since this game will be a home game for them, I will get to cheer as loud as I possibly want :) so excited!

In other news:

-It was Ana Maria's birthday this week! She told us that she was turning 25. She carries her age well. I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to have her and my mom away from mom. She has done such a great job taking care of Chelsey and I. I honestly feel important to her, like she cares. I wasn't expecting that when we first got here so muchas gracias Ana Maria! y Feliz Cumpleanos!

-Next week....Lisbon, Portgual!! Can't wait!

till next time

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